Tired of Not Sleeping? 
Ready to Ditch the Meds and Sleep Better than Ever?! 

How I Went From Being Awake Half The Night To Sleeping GREAT - Without  Sleeping Pills!..

How I Went From Being Awake Half The Night To Sleeping GREAT - Without  Sleeping Pills!..

Ask anyone who struggles to sleep well, and they will agree: 

There's NOTHING worse than being completely and utterly exhausted, climbing in bed hoping for some much needed rest, and ..... just ..... lying ..... there ..... staring at the ceiling,  tossing and turning, watching the minutes slowly, painfully ...... tick ..... by. 

It’s so frustrating! You wonder how it’s even possible to be so very tired, and not  fall asleep - just out of sheer exhaustion if nothing else! Yet, there you are again, eyes wide open and your mind on overdrive as precious sleep eludes you once again. 

You even start to feel angry because it seems so unfair. You start to worry about your health - because, seriously, how long can anyone go on like this? 

The exhaustion is more than physical. It’s mental and emotional as well. Every area of life is impacted by lack of quality, restorative sleep. And the longer you go without good sleep, the more stress you experience, compounding the entire situation.

You don't want to reach for the sleeping pills - but, you really, really must get some sleep before the alarm sounds...

Please know this: There is hope! 

(Yes, even without having to resort to pharmaceuticals with all their harmful side effects.)

What if, instead, you could lie down in bed at night and …. simply…. fall asleep?  

  • Without tossing and turning
  • Without watching the minutes and hours slowly tick by
  • Without stress or worry, and most importantly...
  • ​Without needing to reach for any synthetic sleep aids
Imagine lying down, snuggling in and getting comfortable, and just easily transitioning into a peaceful sleep, without giving it any thought at all.

Imagine waking up feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready for the day ahead - fully engaged and productive, with zero brain-fog, and full of energy and enthusiasm! 
You might think that sounds great, but wonder if that could really be an option for you. After struggling with sleeplessness for so long, you wonder if it’s even possible to learn to change your relationship with sleep? 

It is, and you can!

I know because that’s exactly where I was, in the past, and I'm so happy to share that I’ve been able to successfully change that pattern! 

Perhaps you believe that this is just the way it will always be for you, because you can’t remember the last time you slept well on a consistent basis.

Perhaps you’ve tried other natural remedies before, with little success, or with some success, but then you fell back into the old pattern of not sleeping shortly after…

Well, I have great news for you! 
 My Seven Step Sleep System is here to give you hope! 

Finally! A proven, step-by-step system, rich in valuable content, that addresses your ability to sleep from a HOLISTIC point of view, and offers easy to implement changes that will make a difference within days, and best of all - without medication!  

Even if you've tried before to improve your sleep, you will have a much better chance of success with a system, a plan, that looks at every aspect of your relationship with sleep. The Seven Step Sleep System  covers the following areas, and provides dozens of tips and techniques that are easy to implement (and don't require a huge financial investment.) 
  •  Mindset
  • Environment
  • Routine 
  • Helpful Foods & Supplements
I want you to stay with me long enough to find out what makes this system so powerful, because life on the other side of sleeplessness is so much brighter - you’ll wonder how you ever made it before learning to sleep better!

Getting enough good, quality, restorative sleep - on a consistent basis - really can make a profound and positive difference in your life in so many ways.

  •  You will feel better all the way around.
  • Your relationships will improve the more you show up “present” and positive.
  • You’ll be more productive.
  • You’ll have more clarity and focus.
  • You’ll have more energy and more fun.
  • ​You’ll be less likely to develop several serious health conditions.
  • You might even be surprised to lose weight as cortisol levels normalize.
  • ​??  Which of these benefits would you be most excited about  ?? 

Seriously?  All That?!     Just From Getting Better Sleep - Yes!
And Without Meds?  - Yes!

All That?! 
Just From Getting 
Better Sleep - 
Without Meds? 
You Bet!

My name is Janine, and I'm excited to share with you what has worked for me. 

My life has taken me down some interesting paths, each experience adding to the knowledge and beliefs that make up who I currently am, and what I have to offer you today. [Over 30 years ago, one such incident took me on the path of seeking my own health solutions, and of preferring natural remedies where possible. But that’s a story for another time.]

I love helping people learn about plant based wellness, and in that capacity, I have had many people reach our for help in this area. So many that I began to realize that the problem was so much bigger than 'just me'. If  you struggle to fall asleep, or stay asleep, you are most definitely not alone. 

So I decided it would be helpful to put together this resource! From there it just kept growing into what is now this comprehensive system. 

In addition to compiling all that I have learned over the years, I took it a step further, took a course on sleep, and became a Certified Sleep Science Coach

So, it was over time, and out of personal necessity, that I collected the many techniques, tips and suggestions that combined make up the Seven Step Sleep System. I just really want to help you achieve what I have - the ability to SLEEP WELL!

My success story is not the only one! And let me tell you - I was probably one of the worst when it comes to trying to quiet an overactive - worrying - mind. 

The reality is that some people are just “wired differently", so it takes a bit more to help us  learn to get quiet, and calm, and rest easily.

This Seven Step Sleep System is a proven method that takes a holistic approach to improving your sleep, without using medications. It’s so much more than any one supplement, or any one product. My guess is, if you haven't had success in the past with natural "fixes" it's likely because it was only addressing one factor in the equation, while leaving many other factors untouched.   

The Seven Step Sleep System is - not surprisingly - broken down into 7 parts.    :-) 

You’ll be guided through each individual part of the system, and you’ll find that the total outcome will be synergistically much greater than the sum of the parts. So, while one thing might help a bit, or for a while, another might add a bit more success, and a third, even more… so that over time, the combination can have a real effect at sustained success! 

And getting great sleep consistently… really is life changing! 

So, let’s find out more. The Seven Steps that make up the Sleep System are:

1)  Understanding Why it’s Really So Important to Sleep Well 
2)  Cultivating the Correct Mindset
3)  Improving Your Sleep Environment
4)  Foods to Avoid, and Foods that Help
5)  Natural Supplements and Essential Oils
6)  Working Out a New Bedtime Routine
7)  A Highly Effective Technique that I call “Retrain Your Brain” (*more later!) 

So, let’s find out more. The 
Seven Steps that make up the Sleep System are:

1)  Understanding Why it’s Really So Important to Sleep Well 
2)  Cultivating the Correct Mindset
3)  Improving Your Sleep Environment
4)  Foods to Avoid, and Foods that Help
5)  Natural Supplements and Essential Oils
6)  Working Out a New Bedtime Routine
7)  A Highly Effective Technique that I call “Retrain Your Brain” (*more later!) 

You're going to learn a lot of important information. 
But don’t worry! It’s not at all hard to do, and most of the suggestions can be done with little or no cost. 

Knowledge + Action = Results

My sincere hope is that you will benefit greatly - and be able to come to the place I am now, of being able to sleep well consistently (even through the extreme stress of 2020 and early 2021!) - and do so without having to spend your time, money or energy, learning by trial and error. 

Let me shorten your learning curve, and just help you get to the good stuff, the results (Great Sleep!) as quickly as possible!

“The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.”
~ E. Joseph Cossman

“The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.”
~ E. Joseph Cossman

"Happiness consists of getting enough sleep.
 Just that, nothing more.” 
~ Robert Heinlein
"Happiness consists of getting enough sleep.
 Just that, nothing more.” 
~ Robert Heinlein
Now, I know that if you suffer from chronic sleeplessness -like I used to- you can absolutely understand and relate to these two quotes! It takes “one of us” to really appreciate the simple, yet profound truth of those statements, doesn’t it?

So, at this point, you might be feeling a couple of things: 

1) Hopeful that you can make this change in your life!
2) Wondering if it's going to be hard to do, or expensive...

There are so many tips, techniques, and suggestions in this book. 
Some are super easy to start right away. 
Some won't cost you a penny to start implementing. 
Some are as easy as implementing new knowledge. 
Some might cost a small amount - such as things you can add to your sleep environment.

But NONE of the suggestions are difficult or expensive to implement. 

If you are serious about sleeping better (without using sleeping pills), and you apply what you will learn with a bit of discipline, you will be surprised how quickly you will start to see results. 

"Identify your problems, but give power and energy to solutions." ~ Tony Robbins

So, we know that sleep is vitally important, and furthermore, we know that it’s important to get that sleep NATURALLY ~ without medications, and their harmful side effects, if at all possible. 

Note: There’s a lot more detail in my book about the importance of avoiding pharmaceutical sleep aids. 

Good sleep benefits not only our physical bodies, but also our emotional and mental well-being, and even our spiritual selves. 

So, it only makes sense to do whatever we can - whatever it takes, really - to make sure we give our bodies the rest it needs. To recover, repair and restore our cells - the way it was intended in the beginning - naturally

Sometimes it can feel like the problem is just too big… or it’s been like this for so long… you simply don’t know where to start, or you don’t believe that you can actually make the switch to sleeping great without meds. 

This is where my Seven Step Sleep System can help! 

It’s a step by step, effective method for introducing small changes that, when combined, make a big difference!

You may have a real desire to get off of harmful meds, but you don’t know where to begin. This system is a roadmap to your new destination: the time and place where you are sleeping good on a regular basis, and feeling fantastic! 

Embarking on any new journey means you must have a map, right? Not just any map, but a proven map, drawn out by someone who’s gone down the road ahead of you, and reached the destination successfully.

That's precisely what this system will do for you!

Here's What You'll Get:

(Tons of Great Extras Included Free ~ For a Limited Time)

Sleep Better Naturally

A downloadable 70 page E-Book full of dozens of techniques, tips and suggestions that are all completely natural, contain no toxins, and are actually effective. This is where you will learn:
* How to improve your sleep routine 
* How to improve your sleep environment 
* Your mindset around sleep 
* Which supplements are helpful
* Which essential oils are helpful 
* Foods to avoid & foods that help you sleep better, and
* A super effective technique that literally “Retrains your Brain” to sleep better!

Bonus Reports

An important additional resource: a downloadable 42 page E-book that take a further look at nine of the most common sleep disorders: 

* Sleep Apnea
* Insomnia
* Restless Legs Syndrome
* Sleepwalking
* Narcolepsy
* Jet lag
* Hypersomnia
* Sleep Eating, and 
* Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (which many teens suffer from.)

Long Term Stress

How Covid-19 has affected millions globally, and the effects of prolonged elevated cortisol levels on your ability to sleep. 

Because we all just "did" 2020... 

Between the virus, the shutdowns, the economic uncertainty for many businesses, the political and social climate...., we have all just been through an extreme amount of stress for an extended period of time, and it seems that unfortunately it's not over yet. 

This is a short (5 page) bonus article on the effects of long term stress on our sleep, and what we can do to mitigate the damages to our health.

Interview with top Psychiatrist - Dr. HE Logue

What would it be worth to you to just be able to have a conversation with one of the top Psychiatrists in America?  

With over 4 decades of experience, and a heart for helping people become their healthiest, highest functioning version of themselves, this recorded interview with Dr. H.E. Logue, M.D. is an extremely valuable bonus - probably the most valuable of them all!

You'll get valuable insights based on his vast experience and real compassion, in the comfort and convenience of your own home.  

Guided Gentle Yoga for Relaxation

Michele Benton is an experienced Yin Yoga instructor who teaches online, in studio, and on the beach!   

Yin Yoga works specifically on the connective tissues of the body, and is a great practice to do to get the ligaments and tendons to move freely and release areas of congestion in the body.

She will guide you through several poses - easy even if you have not practiced yoga before - designed specifically to help you wind down, let go, and relax at the end of the day.  

Guided Meditation

This is designed for those who might be new to the idea of meditation, or feel like they "don't know how to do it," but of course it can also can be used by those who are more experienced in this area. 

It's a simple exercise that requires nothing of you, other than to find a space to sit quietly - for less than half an hour - close your eyes and listen along. You'll be gently led on a guided meditation / relaxation.

Doing this at the end of the day is a great practice in teaching yourself to relax, as well as learning to control what you allow into your mind. 

You might be thinking, "That's a ton of great info! How much will all that cost?" 

If you have read along this far, I know that you are someone who:
1) needs help, and 
2) is serious about doing what it takes...
So I don't want the price to stop you from being able to get started right away... 

 You can get the entire Seven Step Sleep System  today, for only $37!!

That's about the price of one meal out, and yet, unlike that one meal out, this has the potential to literally change your life!

I want to ask you a question: Do you value yourself and your health enough to make this small investment? 

Another question to consider: What happens if you don't make the investment?  ... Nothing changes, right? 

Thinking back to when I was in that place of not sleeping [of tossing and turning… stressing and worrying about not sleeping, which only made it worse… watching the clock… counting the minutes and hours left that I’d be able to sleep “if I fell asleep” at that moment] I remember how difficult it was. How frustrating. How tired and exhausted I was... 

When I was caught up in that routine, that vicious cycle, I’d have paid almost anything if someone would have shown me a better way. It would have been worth thousands if I could have learned a better way - a simple, effective system, that would have saved me all the time, money and energy that I invested in finding what works! 


What if… you could learn simple actionable steps that actually really help?  Even if only a little at first? 

What if… you actually start to see improvement?  Even if only a little at first?

What if… you gain the understanding needed to make this a priority and apply these simple methods?

What if… you develop the determination to stick with it long enough to see significant results? 

What if… you decide to love yourself enough to make Self-Care a priority?

What if… something this foundational really does change your entire outlook… your life? 

What would THAT be worth? 

Recap of Everything You'll Learn:

       Master the mindset needed for success at changing your sleep.
       Discover ways to improve your sleep environment
       Learn which supplements and foods support better sleep. 
       Practice a new bedtime routine for relaxing and winding down.

       Discover a super effective technique for Retraining Your Brain.

       Bonus Reports on nine of the most common sleep issues

       How to mitigate damages from the long term stress we've all had lately.

       A recorded interview with one of the world's top Psychiatrists.

       A recorded guided meditation to help you quiet your mind.

       A recorded guided yoga tutorial to help you relax at the end of the day.

Can you see this for yourself? 
Don't you really want to sleep better and feel better? 
Will you invest in yourself? I promise you'll be so glad you did... 
Start Sleeping Better Now!
Only $37 to begin improving every area of your life!

 Wondering what others have to say?

I don’t normally take the time to write a review but I felt compelled to after reading ‘Sleep Better Naturally.’ It’s very apparent the author truly understands the struggle of insomnia. It’s like she was writing my thoughts as I lay awake trying to fall asleep! She not only details the myriad of causes but the detrimental results of poor sleep. Then, using a multifaceted approach which you can customize to your needs, the author gives you tools to improve your sleeping habits. I can attest that after implementing just a few of these tools that I AM sleeping better!! Her ideas are well researched, easy and fun to use. I feel confident that I have even more tools to use should the need ever arise again. Thanks Janine Wooten!! You’re my Sleep Saver!! PS Love Love Love the bonus materials too ;o)                                                                        ~ Ann B  -  Florida, USA
I thoroughly enjoyed (and gleaned a lot of new information from) reading the book "Sleep Better Naturally." Janine Wooten has a wonderfully clear writing style that makes the reader feel as if they are sitting in the same room with her, having a conversation. Janine is empathetic to her readers and you can feel that she is sincere in her desire to provide strategies to relieve sleepless nights. I was encouraged to see new ideas, suggestions and strategies in this book, and I look forward to incorporating them into my evening routines. The additional resources were also very helpful, and covered a lot of territory in understanding and addressing the incredible importance of sound sleep habits. The interview with Dr. Logue was insightful, reassuring, and inspirational. I know that many people will benefit from the information provided in this book and the supporting materials.                                                                                    ~ Dana D  -  Spain
I've struggled with poor sleep for a while now, and many of the issues addressed here hit home with me. It is good to have a guide to help with these issues - especially with alternatives to pharmaceutical methods, which I believe only create other problems. I have been trying some of the methods offered in this book, and I feel it is helping me make progress in the right direction. I would recommend this book to all with sleep issues who want to avoid using pharmaceuticals.                                                                                                                  ~  Steve T   -  Florida, USA
Oh! And to make sure that you don't have any concerns at this point, there is also a 30 day Money Back Guarantee. 

If you can honestly say that after reading through the Seven Step Sleep System, and implementing the steps, that you don't feel it was worth the small investment, you can email us to request a refund. 

So, I believe I've made it as affordable as possible, and removed any concerns... I want you to feel completely comfortable, so that nothing stops you from learning how to get that sleep you so desperately need...  Make taking great care of yourself a top priority, starting now! ~ Be Blessed ~
What I sincerely want for you is to be free of the meds, (for so many reasons), and to be able to lie down in bed at night and easily drift off to a peaceful night's sleep, be able to stay asleep through the night, and wake up in the morning feeling amazing! 
Tired of being tired all the time?  Ready to Sleep Better? 

Special TodayOnly $37 for the Entire System

  • Sleep Better Naturally: The Seven Step Sleep System
  • Bonus Reports: Explores 9 Most Common Sleep Disorders
  • Long Term Stress: Effects of Covid-19 and other stress on our sleep & health
  • Guided Meditation: Recorded mediation for your practice
  • ​​​Interview Dr. Logue: Top Psychiatrist offers insight & advice
  • Gentle Yoga Stretches: For Relaxation
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Congratulations!  You Will Feel So Much Better With Good Sleep! 
Thank you for reading, and may God richly bless you,
Janine L. Wooten 
 P.S.  Even if you have tried other "natural" remedies in the past, there's a pretty good chance it didn't address every aspect of "you." That's one thing that makes this program is different. We approach improving your sleep from a holistic standpoint, and provide dozens of suggestions, tips and techniques - addressing each area of your life - that when combined are truly effective. 
***  Believe in the possibility of a better night's sleep for yourself, and go after it! It's worth it!  💜 ***
Copyright © 2020 | Janine Logue Wooten | Mandala Gallery | Seven Step Sleep System