Ask anyone who struggles to sleep well, and they will agree:
There's NOTHING worse than being completely and utterly exhausted, climbing in bed hoping for some much needed rest, and ..... just ..... lying ..... there ..... staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning, watching the minutes slowly, painfully ...... tick ..... by.
It’s so frustrating! You wonder how it’s even possible to be so very tired, and not fall asleep - just out of sheer exhaustion if nothing else! Yet, there you are again, eyes wide open and your mind on overdrive as precious sleep eludes you once again.
You even start to feel angry because it seems so unfair. You start to worry about your health - because, seriously, how long can anyone go on like this?
The exhaustion is more than physical. It’s mental and emotional as well. Every area of life is impacted by lack of quality, restorative sleep. And the longer you go without good sleep, the more stress you experience, compounding the entire situation.
You don't want to reach for the sleeping pills - but, you really, really must get some sleep before the alarm sounds...